A Small Bag for a Big Change
Plastic! We all know about the evils of this deadly material. It is choking our world, slowly. Our cities, forests, rivers, lakes and oceans are filled with plastic. Animals, fish and birds are bearing the worst of this pollution. And yet, we add a little more to the problem every day.
As you accept a plastic bag, you become a part of the problem. Picking up groceries, buying fruits, bringing home vegetables, the sources of plastic bags are endless. Unfortunately, these bags are hardly ever reused, and even if they are, they finally end up being tossed outside in the garbage. And from there on, their journey to cause unimaginable harm along the way, starts!
Now you have a solution that can make a big difference! Say ‘No’ to plastic by making your own cloth shopping bag.
Don’t worry! We have made it very easy and you will love doing it.
All you need to do is first go to the Sewing Lessons on www.ushasew.com and start watching the video. It has all the instructions and explains every step in detail.
The steps are simple to follow. With some pieces of fabric, some ribbons and your USHA sewing machine, you will have the shopping bag ready in no time.
If you seem to get stuck at any point, please go to the previous lessons. Each of these lessons helps you understand sewing in detail… And, you will learn how to sew in straight lines, follow curves, hem material and all the rest.
While making your shopping bag use your creativity and imagination. The videos will show you how to sew one design, but you can play around with the basic form to create your own designs.
Please make as many shopping bags as you can and start gifting them to your family, friends and neighbours. Remember every cloth shopping bag removes hundreds of plastic bag every year. So, the more you make, the better, brighter and cleaner our future becomes.