A cool pouch to take to school
We want you to go back to school after a weekend and be a hero! Here’s how!
You can stop by carrying that old pencil box or bag with all your stationary and sew something that is unique and extraordinary.
If you are wondering how because you do not know where to start and don’t have any experience sewing then don’t worry. We teach you how to sew in a short time and give you the ability to make and create all the things that you want.
Ushasew.com will show you how
At Ushasew.com we have put together a series of video lesson and projects that work together to teach you how to sew. The lessons start from the very beginning. The first one helps you understand your sewing machine and them from there you move on to learning how to sew. Starting with straight line and then moving onto corners and curves, you quickly get all the information you need to become competent.
Learning also needs regular practice so each lesson encourages you to get as much as you can.
In between all the lessons are projects. These have been placed strategically so that you get to use your newly acquired skills to create things. One of these is the zippered pouch project that is perfect to carry all your stuff in to school.
The Zippered Pouch Project
Now this is a short video that details out all the steps needed to make a zippered pouch. You get to see where to start, how to recognize the right side of a zip and then how to sew it on. Each step along the way is explained and all the steps are shown in an easy to follow way.
We suggest you watch the entire video a few times first and then start by collecting all that you will be needing. Download the pdf and make a list of things. You do not have to get the exact materials shown and can experiment here. Change the colour of the zip, look at different fabrics and play around as much as you like. This will add to the uniqueness of the pouch you make.
Experiment on different shapes and sizes
Once you have created your first pouch and have understood the process it is time to get creative and start making pouches in different shapes and sizes. Experiment with materials, fabrics, colours and embellishments. Play around with sizes. You will see that the basics are the same and you just have to apply them differently.
We would love to see what all you create. Please do share them on our social network pages when you complete them. If possible take us though your thinking and explain all your steps so that others can learn from you.